Tag Archive for: Zunior.com

A Superb Trilogy of Narrative Nonfiction about Canadian Indie Music

On The Great Gray Bridge, the companion site to this one, I wrote about my enjoyment of and appreciation for the superb trilogy of books about Canadian indie music, 1) WHISPERING PINES: The Northern Roots of American Music…from Hank Snow to The Band by Jason Schneider; 2) HAVE NOT BEEN THE SAME: The CANROCK Renaissance 1985-1995 by Michael Barclay, Ian A.D. Jack, and Jason Schneider; and 3) the latest, HEARTS ON FIRE: Six Years that Changed Canadian Music, 2000-2005 by Michael Barclay, all published by ECW Press. Please visit The Great Gray Bridge to read the essay and click on through for links to related content. Thanks for reading and sharing—comments and additional thoughts welcome!